1 - Fisherman - Wear 4 pieces of the Angler Armor Set.
2 - Skill Average - Reach a non-cosmetic Skill Average of 14.
3 - Lapis Warrior - Wear 4 pieces of the Lapis Armor Set.
4 - Lumberjack - Obtain level 20 in the Foraging Skill.
5 - Gold Ingot Collector - Reach 40,000 Gold Ingot Collection.
6 - Battle-Ready - Wear 4 pieces of Equipment.
7 - Trouble is Brewing... - Brew any level IV or higher potion.
8 - Minion Machine - Obtain 40 unique Minions.
9 - Exterminator - Kill 10,000 mobs.
10 - Now Were In Business - Craft a Diamond Spreading.
11 - Collecting Data - Reach Bestiary Milestone 6.
12 - Fairy Finder - Obtain 10 Fairy Souls.
13 - Carry-On - Craft a Small Backpack.
14 - Hot Trails - Obtain a Campfire Cultist Badge I.
15 - Taking Flight - Consume a Magical Mushroom Soup.
16 - Meiser - Store 250,000 Coins in your Bank.
17 - Critical - Reach 100% ☠ Crit Damage.
18 - Wheat Collector - Reach 95,000 Wheat Collection.
19 - Strongman - Reach 120 ❁ Strength.
20 - Lily Pad Collector - Reach 1,500 Lily Pad Collection.
Poseidon - Summon 100k Sea Creatures. - Tiers: 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000
Progress: 647862
Enderman Slayer - Kill 2.5M Endermen. - Tiers: 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000
Progress: 12636441
Skilled - Gain 750M Enchanting experience - Tiers: 150000000 300000000 450000000 600000000 750000000
Progress: 4607298819
Scavenger - Loot 250M Coins through the Scavenger Enchantment - Tiers: 50000000 100000000 150000000 200000000 250000000
Progress: 969277010
Operation: Ore - Break 10M Ore Blocks. - Tiers: 2000000 4000000 6000000 8000000 10000000
Progress: 24958393